McGregor Earns an Excellent Rating

McGregor is obsessed with providing excellent care for our residentsAnd we’ve got the survey score to prove it!Since the passing of the Affordable Care Act, the United States’ Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has been charged with developing a...

McGregor at the Cleveland International Film Festival

Join Us!  Whether you’re already a fan or completely unfamiliar, local Cleveland sportscasters will share this passionate portrayal of the sport, which will truly enlighted and entertain...

5 Ways That Music Therapy Is Important for Seniors

A Song Can Take You to a Time and PlaceFor Some Seniors, it’s the Only Thing That Can!There is a reason that so many flashback scenes in a movie take the character back to a dance or a concert. Music can transport us to a time and place long forgotten, and you...

5 Things That Can Help Caregivers Get a Break

Being the caregiver for a senior parent isn’t easy.But taking a break doesn’t have to be hard!You love your parent and respect them so much. When it came time for you to take a more prominent role in their care, you stepped up, no questions asked. You get...