McGregor joins forces with Leading Age Ohio



May 6-10 has officially been named Ohio’s In-Demand Jobs Week!  During this time, communities and employers around Ohio are promoting awareness of those career which are most competitive for staffing.  Long term care is often overlooked in the wider workforce discussions.  


Here are some interesting facts you might want to know!


• Workforce Crisis in Aging Services

o 10,000 baby boomers each day turn 65

o Ohio is a state with a very high senior population

o We need more care workers now and in the future to support this rapidly growing population

o A strong economy in Ohio has pushed aging services to the limit and turnover rates are high

o Job openings are unfilled yet needed

• What are we doing to change this?

o Promote job openings effectively using social media as well as traditional outlets

o Portray a more positive image of aging services and fight ageism

o Forge partnerships with educators and others to encourage young people to learn more about aging services

o Fight for fair, competitive wages for jobs in aging services

o Host workforce events and initiatives to recruit future workers and educate the public

• LeadingAge Ohio/Provider Workforce Initiatives

o Elementary – “Careers That Love You Back”

  • Poster campaign designed to introduce and familiarize young students with careers in aging services and with elder engagement

  • Currently in use at Tiffin City Schools, hoping to expand 

  • Secondary – Elder Care/Dementia Certification Programs

  • Certification being offered at Good Shepherd Home through Vanguard-Sentinel Career Center to help students with an interest in elder care learn more about caring for older adults suffering from dementia

  • Hoping to expand to other providers

  • College – Apprenticeships- LeadingAge Ohio offers college apprenticeships to nursing students


McGregor is supporting seniors in need and those who serve them!