Marketing and Communications Assistant Ryan Eisenhuth

Ryan Eisenhuth – Marketing and Communications Assistant

After working as a Marketing and Communications Intern last summer, Ryan Eisenhuth returned this summer as a Marketing and Communications Assistant to continue aiding our Chief Marketing Officer in telling McGregor’s story. 

Ryan just graduated from Geneva College, where he studied Communication, Integrated Media Production, and Public Relations. In the fall, Ryan will begin pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Communication Studies at Ohio University. 

Several highlights from Ryan’s internships include:

  • Interviewing McGregor residents and employees to share their stories with the community. 
  • Writing blog posts for the McGregor website.
  • Coordinating and promoting summer marketing events. 
  • Directing and editing a video tour of our Assisted Living Community. 
  • Photographing events throughout McGregor’s campus. 

When asked about the value he gained from his internship at McGregor, Ryan said, “I love how my work at McGregor gives me the opportunity to share relevant and useful information – with a variety of audiences and through a variety of mediums – that will truly make a positive difference in the lives of older adults throughout our community.”

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