McGregor Foundation and CHN Housing Partners Celebrate the Grand Opening

The McGregor Foundation and CHN Housing Partners Celebrate the Grand Opening

106-Unit Affordable Housing Development for Seniors

Cleveland, September 7, 2023 – The McGregor Foundation (McGregor) and CHN Housing Partners (CHN) were joined by Cuyahoga County Council, Cheryl Stephens; Enterprise Community Partners, Jennifer Eppich, and other leaders to celebrate the grand opening of McGregor Independent Living, an initiative that will preserve 26 and create 80 new units of affordable housing on McGregor’s East Cleveland campus. Many of the McGregor Board members attended as well.

This project was one of only 18 in the nation awarded Section 202 financing in 2020 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD’s 202 program provides capital for the development of housing for low-income seniors and a commitment to pay operating costs that are not covered by tenant rental payments.

“McGregor is determined to improve the access of affordable options through advocacy and additional housing development with partnerships like this one, ” said Ann Conn, president and CEO of McGregor.

McGregor Independent Living Ribbon Cutting Release August 2023

Kevin Nowak, CHN President & CEO (left) and Lee Ann O’Brien, Chief Marketing Officer, McGregor (right) look on as Kate Fox Nagel, Board President and Yuvette Bozman Executive Director cut the ribbon.

Cheers to a job well done!

Ann Conn, McGregor President & CEO welcomes guests and shared our journey.

Cheryl Stephens, Cuyahoga County Council Vice President (far right) and advocate for McGregor’s funding awards a Proclamation to McGregor’s affordable Independent Living.

Kate Fox Nagel and Julie Criscione   

Kevin Laviano, Division Director at  U.S. Department of HUD.   Thank  you, Kevin for your inspiring words and support!



Jazz on the patio provided by Blu Monsoon

Thank you for making dreams come true. The building opened in traditional grand style with all 54 apartments fully committed and a substantial number of people on the wait list which speaks to why McGregor is dedicated to building affordable living options in Northeast Ohio.

The McGregor Team includes Ann Conn [third from left], Yuvette Bozman [white dress], Lee Ann O’Brien [pink jacket], Sharon Derby [blue] and Eric Mondok [second from right].

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