Ageism and the Elderly

Elderly man being assisted by nurse

Identifying Common Stereotypes of Older Adults

Being Aware of the Signs of Age Discrimination and Elder Abuse

As more of our population ages into post retirement, our communities become full of older adults. These individuals offer unique wisdom and skills that make their communities better, yet they still must deal with negative perceptions of their capabilities and experiences. The stereotyping and discrimination against individuals based on their age is known as ageism, and it is a very real problem in society today. These are some of the most common stereotypes of older adults:

  • Incapable of using technology
  • Unable to learn new things
  • Physically weak and frail
  • Unable to remember things
  • Prone to being stubborn

It will take time to combat these stereotypes against older adults in our community, but the first step is taking action in your own life. How can you combat ageism and age discrimination? Begin to view aging positively not only for yourself but for those around you. Help the young people in your life view aging through a new lens and better understand the real experience of aging—not a stereotyped version. Ageism, when left unchecked, can lead to age discrimination in the workplace, in our health care system, and in society in general. It can contribute to elder abuse. Abuse of the elderly can take many forms: financial exploitation, neglect, and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Be aware of the signs of elder abuse and understand how to report it if you see it. Our team is here to provide additional insights and support to you and your family. Please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help.

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