Hats Off! A Curated Fashion Show of Hats Courtesy of Ursuline College

Live Life to the Fullest

McGregor Activities Team Helps Seniors Lead Healthier, Happier Lives

Dr. Constance Korosec, Ph.D., taught at Ursuline College for 37 years as the Chair of Fashion Merchandising and Design. Even after retirement, her passion for the industry remained high, and she aimed to share her love for fashion with others. This past Tuesday, June 7th, she visited McGregor with Ursuline’s hat collection provided by donors to share the wealth of knowledge of hats from the early 18th century up until now.   

“The Quality of life is determined by its activities” -Aristotle


The Activites Department Team L-R: Lillian-Volunteer Coordinator,  Siondra-Activites Coordinator, Bridget-Activities Coordinator, Kisha-Activities Director, Sandra-Activities Coordinator

At any age, people have the need to explore, have fun, learn, and live life to the fullest. At McGregor, our activities team helps seniors do much more than just pass the time. Instead, they help seniors to lead healthier and happier lives through planning activities that suit all interests and lifestyles.

With both habitual activities – such as regular games of Bingo, Bible studies, trivia nights, exercise sessions, art classes, and more – and special events – such as a Hat Fashion Show (pictured), Planting Partners, our summer concert series, and more – our activities team is committed to creating experiences that address the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of our residents.

We thank you for your dedication to promoting quality living for the seniors who call McGregor “Home.”

For a list of activities that are open to the community, go to https://mcgregoramasa.org/category/events/.




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