Honoring our Team -celebrating National Assisted Living Week!

Meet Michelle! 

Michelle Lassiter, Assisted Living Director, joined McGregor over a year ago because of for her love of seniors.

Having been in the long term care industry for more than seven years, a friend who works here encouraged Michelle to consider joining McGregor.  Michelle stated that she enjoys the sense of community, the continuum of care offered throughout the organization and the adult day health centers at McGregor PACE which helps people transition from being at home to our assisted living.  “I enjoy conversations with the residents and the opportunity to get to know both them and their families.”

“What I find unique is the training, continuing education units (CEU’s), the Human Resources employee coupons that come our way and the referral program to enhance our workforce,” she said.  “I appreciate the fact that they put a lot of care into our buildings and programs to retain staff,” she added.  In addition, she commented on the fact that McGregor puts resources back into the organization for upkeep and that the longevity of staff is a testament to the organization.

Quite the adventurer, Michelle loves to travel, she likes the outdoors, and tries to explore one new place a year.  In 2009 she took a solo trip to Hawaii!  She has experienced St. Martin, Costa Rica, Jamaica with her husband, and sometimes takes a girls’ trip to places like New Orleans, Chicago, Miami and Las Vegas.  Her bucket list includes trips to visit Africa- on a safari and Greece!

Another hobby is that she is an avid “thrifter”.  “If it’s out there, I’ll find it, ” she says.  Michelle claims that it’s both fun and a bit of a stress-reliever! She once found antique chairs for $15 and when she searched eBay, they were $400!!  (Good job!)  She often likes to imagine who owned the furniture, the clothing or whatever is unique about the item and think about the story each item tells about the person who owned it .  Michelle like to acquire furniture to repaint, refurbish, add new hardware, and transform the item–like a dresser or such.

As Michelle looks to the future after raising her daughter, she thinks she may enjoy real estate sales while helping seniors down-size!

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