How Has Hospice Care Changed?

older woman sitting across from another woman

November Is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

Learn About Hospice Services at McGregor Senior Living

What do you think of when you hear the term hospice? Many of us automatically think of someone dying of cancer, with days left to live. Contrary to popular belief, hospice doesn’t exist only for people who are close to death. In recent years, palliative care has been bringing holistic hospice services to people who are experiencing a life-limiting illness. While there may not be a cure, the individual may have more time left to live. In these cases, as noted by the National Pace Association, hospice provides pain management, symptom control, psychosocial support, and spiritual care. Hospice professionals can help family members understand what their loved one is going through and how to access resources to best support them.

November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, held to spread awareness about these important services. At McGregor, our fifth level of care is hospice. Our focus in providing hospice services is maintaining the individual’s quality of life. We help families find, navigate, and set up those resources that will improve their loved one’s remaining time, whether it is days, months, or years. Again, hospice is not about dying: It is about living the best life possible. One past theme for the month has been “It’s About How You Live”—and we couldn’t agree more.

Five Levels of Care: One Place

McGregor Senior Living

If you are looking for a senior living community that encompasses all levels of care—independent living, assisted living, nursing care, rehabilitation, and hospice—you will find it at McGregor. As a continuing care community, we provide a path for our residents to age in a familiar and caring environment. As your needs change, you do not need to find a new provider. All of the resources, professionals, and services you need exist in one place. We would be happy to share more information about reclaiming your independence and living your best life at McGregor.


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