Advance Care Planning: Getting Your Affairs in Order

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Document Your Health Care Wishes Today

Make Sure You Have a Voice in Your Future Care

In April, we will recognize National Healthcare Decisions Day. Aging services providers like McGregor will promote awareness and education around advance care planning. The goal is to get everyone—regardless of your age or your current physical health—to document your health care treatment wishes before a crisis occurs. This includes completing “advance directives,” which in Ohio refers to your Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will forms.

Here’s the thing: This topic is so important that we simply can’t wait until April. We want to start talking about the value of advance care planning now so that by April, you will be well on your way to having your wishes documented and communicated clearly to your loved ones and friends.


Let’s start with a few definitions.

What is a Health Care Power of Attorney?
This is a legal document that authorizes someone else to make health care decisions on your behalf in most health care situations when you are no longer able to make such decisions.

What is a Living Will?
Ohio Law allows you to create a Living Will that assists you and your loved ones in making end-of-life care decisions. The Health Care Power of Attorney enables you to designate an advocate who is able to make these decisions on your behalf.

This packet from the State of Ohio includes all of the documentation needed: Living Will Declaration and Health Care Power of Attorney.

We highly recommend starting these conversations early with your family and identifying a professional who can assist you with completing the paperwork, getting your finances in order, and answering any questions you may have. If you aren’t sure where to start, we have compiled some additional resources to point you in the right direction.

Getting Your Affairs in Order – National Institute on Aging
Starting the Conversation about End-of-Life Care – AARP
Tool Kit for Health Care Advance Planning – American Bar Association


Let us know how we can help, and plan to regularly check our upcoming events. We frequently gather professionals in our community together to discuss advance planning and share important advice and information.


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