McGregor hosts Brief Advice Clinic- May 2nd

In collaboration with McGregor, The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland! We wanted to let you know about an upcoming Brief Advice Clinic in your neighborhood.

At our Brief Advice Clinics, Legal Aid staff and volunteer attorneys provide FREE, in-person consultations for civil legal issues related to: consumer rights, disability, domestic violence, education, employment, family law, health, housing, foreclosure, immigration, public benefits, taxes, and utilities.

Legal Aid hosts these clinics at select community centers, libraries, and partner organizations. By reaching into the community and connecting with clients when and where they need our services, we help eliminate barriers and increase access to justice.

Please share with your networks about our Brief Advice Clinic on:

Thursday, May 2, 2024, with intake hour from 1:30-2:30pm at McGregor Home, 14900 Private Drive, Cleveland, Ohio, 44112.

Details about this clinic are available online:

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