International Guests Visit McGregor

 International guests representing 14 Countries of Africa shared life and culture with McGregor Residents & Staff


McGregor proudly hosts International guests visiting CWRU for 5-weeks and experiencing Cleveland.  

Gathered with the guests is Judy Simon, Director of Volunteer Services [far right in the light blue sweater], many of whom introduced themselves as doctors, engineers, nurses and chemists among their educations.   On their journey throughout Cleveland and other parts of the country, they spent some time visiting McGregor Residents and Staff- everyone sharing numerous cultural experiences, lifestyles and traditions.  They attended an Indians game and quite a few of Cleveland’s finest restaurants, who sponsored their meals while  they were in town.  Each person from a different county sang their National Anthem, both in their native language and in English.  They answered many questions from Residents and Staff while enjoying refreshments, activities and the excitiment of learning more about what’s beyond our doors!!

Since they do not have nursing homes in Africa, all of the elderly are taken care of at home by family members- which made their visit even more interesting! 


All Smiles!  Enjoying a day at McGregor with Residents & Staff -Juy 18, 2017