Bridget is a rising Junior at John Carroll University with a concentration on Integrated Marketing Communication. She has been on the Dean’s List 3 consecutive times during her first two years. In addition to her collegiate experience, she created focus groups to learn about student experience, focus on wellness topics, and advocate on their behalf.
Bridget was provided an Internship Work Plan that outlined the program to include various projects to complete from beginning to end that included marketing content strategy, virtual meetings and webinars, web/Google analytics review, SEO/SEM organization, and solid recommendations to advance visibility. It was extremely helpful to have a review of social content and presence from a broad demographic, including the Z’ers. Working with the Director of Philanthropy, Bridget was instrumental in gathering several significant stories from our Grantees who shared how the McGregor Foundation’s support helped them fund projects and programs that make an impact on the community. These stories will be positioned on the website over the next few quarters. Her enthusiasm to learn and experience more led her to be able to participation in the testimonials of two McGregor PACE participants and assist with conducting a virtual tour of the McGregor PACE building and its programs held within the PACE Adult Day Health Centers. She even gave her own testimonial telling the story of why internships are so important to her personal and professional development- opening door in her future.
With some experience hosting her own podcast on campus, Bridget participated in a podcast with the Chief Marketing Officer to share her experience and talk about the McGregor Summer Internship opportunity, how she sees it as a benefit to gaining some experience in the field, and how she has had access to diverse scope of work. She even participated in the Cleveland Foundation’s Common Ground conversations that McGregor Hosted with peer organizations!
“At the moment, I would like to pursue a career in public relations. However, beyond that I want to gain the experiences I need for a happy and successful career, wherever that may be. Creating stories and content is always something I enjoy, and I look forward to continuing that in my future.”
Bridget had the opportunity to write several blog posts and articles and was even published in Boomer and Beyond Magazine.