Life Begins at 70!
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter” -Mark Twain
About a year ago, there was a lovely 71-year-old woman living alone in Northeast Ohio. She was able to see her children and her grandchildren often, but after going through a nasty divorce, retiring on disability, and slowly losing the ability to do the things she enjoyed the most, such as cooking and gardening, she figured it was the beginning of the end.
One day, she received an unexpected letter in the mail from a person she had not been in contact with for over 50 years: her high school sweetheart. “Since the last time we spoke,” the letter read, “I have had three incredible children and I now have seven grandchildren. I have served as a pastor, a camp director, and a teacher. As I have been reflecting on my life, I have been thinking about you very often, and I was hoping that we could catch up.” He left his phone number.
After several days of nervously reading the letter, seeking the advice of her children, and praying, she decided to give her suitor a call. They talked for hours, sharing memories, laughing, and telling their life stories until she fell asleep on the phone.
The next day, she called again, and they continued to speak for hours on end, this time, making plans to meet up in person. The next week, they drove to their favorite park to visit together as teenagers and went on a walk around the lake. He confessed his love for her.
By the end of the month, they were engaged, and they officially tied the knot about six months after the letter was sent. Today, they are both 72 and living their best lives. The rest, as they say, is history.
Life After 70 Should be Amazing!
There is an unspoken assumption in our culture that by the time a person reaches 70, they will struggle to be happy and find fulfillment in their lives, but as the above story illustrates, this is certainly not the case.
Those older than 70 have a unique opportunity to live a bright, rich, and inspiring life. The world is ripe with stories of people who started living after reaching 70, including John Glenn who became the oldest person to travel to outer space at age 77; Katsusuke Yanagisawa, who climbed Mt. Everest at age 71; Nola Ochs, who earned a master’s degree at age 98; Fauja Sing, who completed a marathon at age 101; and countless others.
For you, this means that when you reach 70, you still have time to find love, learn new skills, and make a difference in this world. Above all, you still have time to continue writing the story of your life to include new and exciting chapters.
So how will you choose to spend that time? At McGregor, we are happy to say that the choice is yours. McGregor offers a full continuum of care to provide support, growth, and a lifelong pursuit of health and happiness, no matter where you are in the journey of your life. We are passionate about helping you find meaning in your retirement years within our gracious community.
We believe every senior has a storied legacy. We have one too…that has lasted 145 years!
Ready to begin your new life?
Check out to see the living options offered at McGregor.
submitted Ryan Eisenhoth, McGregor Marketing & Communications Intern