Most Common Health Issues for Older Adults

woman with stethoscope and red heart

Health and Well-Being in Older Age: 60+ Counts

How Do You Maintain Your Health as You Age?


More people across the globe can expect to live well into old age, but this longevity is not always synonymous with better health. Many older adults deal with declining health and age-based disabilities that can be impacted by their access to health care, lifestyle, and other factors. Common communicable diseases–as well as non-communicable diseases—continue to increase and contribute to health decline. As more people are expected to live to an older age, it is a necessary challenge to help these individuals live in better health, with lower rates of disabilities related to age.

Back in 2015, the United Nations General Assembly passed the Resolution on transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In that resolution, they stated this goal:

“By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.”

What are the most prevalent health issues particularly affecting older adults?

  • Chronic physical diseases, including vision problems, hearing loss, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cancer.
  • Preventable injuries or sensory impairments (particularly in low-income countries and marginalized areas of more developed countries where older adults can lack access to basic interventions like glasses, cataract surgery, or hearing aids).
  • HIV, the impact of which is underestimated by society and older adults. Because many believe—incorrectly–that older adults are at little to no risk of HIV infection, very few prevention, care, and treatment programs exist.
  • Obesity, affecting a growing number of older adults. Obesity levels peak with age, especially in the 60s or 70s, and can contribute to an increased risk of other diseases and some cancers.
  • Mental illness, which plays a larger role in the quality of your life as you age. This includes Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, as well as depressive disorders and symptoms.

The PACE program takes a comprehensive approach to each participant’s health and well-being. Learn more about our health and wellness services and how they can benefit you or your loved one.


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