Inside the Gray Area: Interns

Episode 1: Interns

McGregor Summer Internship Program provides college students exposure to the many facets of aging services and the multitude of careers that support the delivery of care to those in need, from health administration to marketing, from social work to human resources, and everything in between. Throughout summer, McGregor employed four interns to learn, explore their areas of interest, and bring new ideas to the table within their respective teams.

Funded by the McGregor Foundation, our interns “have developed and executed tasks and projects critical to day-to-day operations, ensuring the safety and well-being of McGregor’s residents and participants. This is just one small way we can provide access to this incredible rewarding work that is available in our industry.



Intern Profiles:
Brandon Rock
Michael Nock
Kaitlyn Keenan
Kate Eddy

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