The Positive Effects of COVID-19

sun shining through the clouds

Finding a Silver Lining in the Midst of a Pandemic

Over 100,000 people have lost their lives due to COVID-19 in the United States. It’s a staggering number and is particularly trying on our patients as the number of deaths are far higher in the senior community. Families also haven’t been able to visit as often as they normally would, which can take a toll on our patients’ mental health.

It’s not just those in adult care who are impacted. Our lives were put on hold as we adjusted to the stay-at-home period. Employees in many fields lost work and others struggle to adjust to working while wearing PPE or in modified work environments. Things have changed, and it’s easy to think that it’s all been negative.

But believe it or not, there have been some positive effects as a result of our mandatory slow down. Here are some to consider:

We Have Gotten Back Some Much-Needed Family Time

It’s amazing what can happen when families are together more and some of their primary entertainment sources are taken out of the equation. Many families are cooking together, playing board games, having discussions, spending more quality time together, and bonding in ways they haven’t in a long time.

Nature Returned to Balance

With fewer cars on the road and less emissions, many large cities around the world saw clear blue skies. Wildlife populations also returned to areas in which they hadn’t been seen in decades.

We’ve Realized How Valuable Human Connection Is

We sometimes get so wrapped up in our technology that we forget how great it is to have face-to-face contact with other people. Zoom conference meetings and virtual experiences have taught us that although we can continue socializing without seeing one another in person, it’s just not the same as the real thing.

Masks Have Increased the Value of Smiles and Hugs

Two of the things that we miss the most about seeing one another are smiling and hugging. At some point, we hope that these two things are possible to share once again. For now, we better appreciate the meaning and impact of a smile or a hug.

None of these things can replace the lives lost due to COVID-19, but for many of us, this experience has brought us some necessary connection with one another and reminded us just how special our world and our loved ones are. At McGregor, we plan to carry these lessons with us into the future and continue to value our residents and our employees and value our impact. If you’d like to see how that connection can extend to your loved one in our care, contact us today to learn more about life at McGregor Amasa.


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