Did you know? Volunteering is good for the heart!!

Calling All Volunteers!

Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.”

~Albert Schweitzer

Two people laughing and sitting on a park bench

We Need Volunteers!

Top Reasons to Volunteer at McGregor

They say it takes a village—and at McGregor, our village includes our wonderful volunteers. Volunteers are an asset to our organization and countless other non-profits in our Cleveland community. While we greatly appreciate and value our staff, volunteers provide added benefits for our senior care community and our residents. Our residents light up, in particular, when young people like Girls Scouts and Boy Scouts visit our campus to engage them in activities. 

An Elderly Man in Blue Sweater Sitting Beside the Woman in Yellow Cardigan

Volunteering is heartwarming, rewarding and fulfilling work to both the volunteer and the people you meet!
Whether you are a longtime volunteer or new to volunteering, we are grateful for you and your interest in serving older adults in your community! 

Volunteering has many physical and mental rewards, and there are many reasons to volunteer, including:

  • Finding a sense of purpose
  • Expanding your network
  • Making new friends
  • Meeting new people
  • Fostering career connections
  • Reducing your stress levels
  • Combatting depression

McGregor is always looking for volunteers for a variety of roles and initiatives. Provide snack service in Tootie’s Tea Room, work in the greenhouse, or staff the gift shop. Help transport residents in wheelchairs to and from programs on campus, or assist our team with light office work. No matter your interests, age, or skill set, you will be an asset to McGregor as a volunteer!

Volunteer Now!


Download and complete the appropriate application below and reach out to Lillian Zvosecz, Volunteer Coordinator, via email at [email protected] or by phone at 216.851.8200 (extension 1000).

Volunteer Application

Jr. Volunteer Application

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