Success Doesn’t Speak for Itself

Shine a Spotlight on Your Personal Brand


Do you want your successes to be recognized in the workplace? Promoting your personal brand is the best way to showcase your skills and accomplishments to your boss and colleagues. Talent does not equal recognition, so it is your responsibility to share your professional achievements with others. When you begin to share your successful highlights, you are building your personal brand. Your professional personal brand defines your unique values, skills, and the contributions you make in your career.

Some professionals may feel uncomfortable with self-promotion in fear of seeming like they are bragging. However, when self-promotion is done effectively it is depicted as networking, information sharing, and productive communication. It is essential to your team and work environment to emphasize your skills because many high performing individuals can be overlooked in a busy setting.

Confidence is a fundamental skill, especially in the workplace where you need to advertise yourself efficiently. Indeed, the world’s #1 job board site, outlines various pointers on promoting yourself and becoming more confident.


Successful Suggestions:

  • Effective self-promotion is about being yourself. It’s important to be honest when you share your strengths and successes. Likewise, it’s important to not ignore areas you may have trouble with. As long as you are open about your current status, it will be highly effective for those who are listening. And do not be afraid to ask questions.
  • Instead of listing off all your skills and assignments, highlight your strengths and notify everyone of productive projects you are thriving on.
  • Become an Expert. Having complete and expansive knowledge of the industry and organization you are in will help you to radiate confidence when defining your accomplishments. Increasing your knowledge will allow you to be proactive and be able to take on more challenging and highly visible projects.
  • Positivity. Maintaining a positive attitude goes a long way. Using positive language, setting goals for yourself, and remembering all your successes will aid you in impactfully self-promoting. Daily affirmations are another great way to better your mindset.

Building confidence in the workplace enhances your job performance, improves your leadership skills, and reduces stress. Shine a spotlight on your personal brand and share why you are an asset at work.







submitted: Gabrielle Carrara, rising senior, Bowling Green State University,                                                                                Marketing and Communications Summer Intern at McGregor