Getting Ready for the Baby Boom! NE Ohio may be one of the best places to be!

Across Ohio, the percentage of the population over the age of 65 is on the rise, and expected to peak in 2030. That year, the number of seniors in Cuyahoga County will be almost equal to the number of people under the age of 20, according to projections by the Ohio Development Services Agency.



Currently, 21.8 percent of Cuyahoga County’s population is under the age of 20, while 16.2 percent is over the age of 65. John Corlett,Executive Director for the Center for Community Solutions, fears that soon the number of young people in the county may not be great enough to support elderly people who can no longer work. The Ohio Development Services Agency projects that the number of people over the age of 65 in Cuyahoga will increase until 2030, while the population aged 20 and under will continue to fall. 


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